Darkest dungeon collector farm
Darkest dungeon collector farm

darkest dungeon collector farm darkest dungeon collector farm

Its always been about killing off your characters ahemmm I mean your hirelings aka cannonfodder or dislocated wannabe adventurer. for the third time.Īha, so your finely understanding the madness of this game YES? ^,^ I'll leave it at that, else you might decide to Just outright delete the Hellion vs nerfing her damage.

darkest dungeon collector farm

I am all for challenge, but when you make creatures like the Shambler, who chain push, and spawn creatures with 8 speed, who do 15-20 stress each attack, you are simply flexing your inexperience with handling game balance. I can't help but think that they made these creatues just to ♥♥♥♥ you off, kill your characters, and pad what little game there is. Further compounding the boring nature of having to run a specific build E V E R Y time you have to engage these gdamn things. Every single turn, each NPC will summon more mobs to further displace the gap between you, and it. Originally posted by Allure:After fighting these enemies multiple times, I have come to the conclusion that Redhook has no comprehension of what game ballance is.

Darkest dungeon collector farm